
RTG Events
October, 2022
Biological and Artificial Neural Networks
Internal workshop
October 6, 2022
Good scientific practice
June 29, 2022
Kick-Off-Workshop for group coaching
May 4 – 6, 2022
Retreat of the RTG
at Kloster Malgarten
December 6, 2022
Social media for scientists
Internal training
September 22 - 24, 2021
ComCo 2021
International workshop
June, 2021
Empowering leadership skills
for young leaders
External training
May 16, 2021
Career-talk about startups
May 3, 2021
Career-talk about the postdoc-period
April 19, 2021
Training on postdoc funding
January 27 - 28, 2021
Internal workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning
crash course & talks and discussions
September - December, 2020
Career planning for women in academia
Group coaching
June 8-9, 2020
Annual meeting of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science
February 20-21, 2020
Good scientific practice
November 5, 2019
Collection, Storage, Editing and Sustainable Provision of Research Data
October 1-2, 2019
ComCo 2019
International workshop
September 30, 2019
Discover your neurochemical signature
Qualification program
The course program is organized according to the terms, with a regular alternation between even and odd semesters. Participation in seminars, special lectures and lecture series, international workshops, as well as in methodology courses, is compulsory for all of the training group’s students, irrespective of the financial source. Yet, the RTG will host students with different backgrounds. Therefore the study program will adapt to the individual educational needs of the PhD students.
Colloquium of the Institute of Cognitive Science
Wednesdays during summer and winter terms, 5 pm s.t.
In the upcoming winter term, we would like to try again an in-person IKW colloquium, if possible, inviting guest speakers to come to Osnabrück each Wednesday to present to us some recent research on hot research topics in all areas of cognitive science. In order to do this, we need your help!
If you have in mind researchers that you would like to propose as speakers, please send an email to the team with your suggestions. For each researcher you propose, please briefly tell us why you are interested in inviting the person in question, and provide the name, affiliation, email address, and if possible, a web page.
Please send your suggestions until August 15!
While we want to have as many on-site talks as we can, it is also possible to invite speakers to present via a video conferencing system. This is especially relevant for speakers from overseas.
Doctorate colloquium
Tuesdays during summer and winter terms, 4pm c.t. in 93/E12